
  • You Need a Budget (YNAB) Certified Coach

  • Coaching Essentials - Coach Approach

  • Certified Organizational Specialist™ - Clutterbug

  • Going Pro: The Professional Practices Course - National Association of Productivity and Organizing Professionals (NAPO)

  • Wilderness Travel Course - Sierra Club

  • Environmental and Outdoor Adventure Program Manager - Girl Scouts

  • Camp Program Director

  • Event Planner

  • Elementary School Teaching Credential

  • Active leadership and treasurer roles in corporate, civic, and philanthropic organizations

  • Avid crafter and sewing enthusiast

  • Mom of two energetic and curious boys

  • Woman on a growth path

About the Founder of Clutter-Free Serenity

Hi there, I’m Thuy Kudsi! My first name is Vietnamese and pronounced Twee. I’m a mom, wife, sister, daughter, friend, life-long learner, nature lover and spiritual person. My pronouns are she/her.

I’ve always been an organized person, because I had to be. As a child, it was a way I could feel safe in my environment amidst the craziness of a large immigrant family.  As an adult, it allowed me to excel at teaching, directing camp programs, managing projects and event planning. But bring on parenting, followed by the pandemic, and my energy for organizing went out the window!! Bring on the piles… piles of toys to put away, piles of hand-me-down clothes, piles of books without a home, piles of artwork and piles of baby gear to hold on to just in case we had another child.

Every time I saw the piles, my nervous system felt an attack on my serenity. My environment was chaotic so my head was chaotic. I wasn’t able to fully be with my boys or with my family. I couldn’t do my spiritual personal growth work because there was a low hum of chaos buzzing in my head, my space and my being.

The stars aligned in my quest to find solutions for my own home, my life long journey to overcome the post Vietnam war trauma associated with adjusting to a new country and a desire to create a business that would allow me time with my family. That’s when Clutter-Free Serenity was born and I’ve been on a journey to support moms organize all that’s on her plate, her time, and her budget, so she can prioritize joy and show up for her kids as a loving and nurturing container. I can’t wait to support you to organize a life that is authentically yours, one that pushes against the molds that some of us think we “should” fit into. It’s for the kids, including the little girl within you!

When I’m not with my family or working on the business, I’m at Disneyland, sewing, being of service, outdoors camping, backpacking, hiking or stand up paddle boarding with friends. You can also find me learning more about and strengthening my relationship with a loving power great than myself.